Tuesday, 28 January 2025

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Idaho Gang Raised $1500

The Vintage Snowmobile of Idaho gang raised $1,500 bucks this weekend in Stanley for Breast Cancer! Thought you might like to know! Thanks to all that help out the cause. Submitted by Perry Hesteness.



Operation Vintage Pride

100_0781On September 25, 2010 Judy and I traveled down to Albert Lea, Minnesota to attend the 2nd annual “Operation Vintage Pride” vintage show. The weather was still a little damp with the aftermath of heavy rains that had cause serve flooding across Southeastern Minnesota in the week prior. The turnout was still fair considering the weather. Events of the day were the Swapmeet, Drag Races, and the Vintage Sled Show. There was a large silent auction under the main tent, which worked well. If you under tent bidding you got to stay dry!

Here are the results of the radar run. We had to make the track shorter (260 ft) but I believe everyone still had a good time.
1 Banger   Rampage..............37 mph  OMC         0-340       Trevor Wenthold...45 mph   Polaris
341-440   Dale Sloper...........48 mph   Rupp           441-up     Charlie Root..........51 mph   Speedway
The winners for the Three Amigo Race went to...  Rampage, Jake Weaver, and Tony Kildall on a 634 Moto Ski MS-18

I would like to thank all who showed this year and hope that next year we will have better weather. Remember: Think Snow Think Vintage. Thank You Rick Weaver and Rick Stockey

 Following is a list of the show winners sent in by Rick Stockey;

 Antique Class:

Original: Dan Danko  1963 Mathews Trail Maker

> Restored: Rich  Hacket  1967 Ski Doo

Vintage 1969 to 1972:

> Original: Stan Hankin  1971 Arctic Cat Lynx

> Restored: Denise Bronner 1972 Polaris ATX

Vintage 1973 to 1976:

> Original: Todd Kearney  1974 Johnson

> Restored: Mike Goodman 1975 Ski Doo RV 245

Vintage 1977 to 1982:

> Original: Todd Kearney 1980 Yamaha SRX

> Restored: Todd Kearney 1979 Yamaha SRX

Race Class:

> Original:  Mike Hannon 1977 and a half Ski Doo SS Blizard

> Restored: Mike Hannon 1983 Ski Doo Formula 250

Mini Sled:

> Carl Millestadt 1971 Sno Pony 340


> Jim Haug 1977 RXL


> Larry Ahler 1970 Moto Ski SM

Oldest Sled:

> Dan Danco: 1963 Trail Maker

Furthest Traveled:

> Rodger Hankin 250 MIles

Soldiers Pick:

> Dan Danco 1963 Trail Maker

Judges Pick

> Rodger Hankin 1965 Ski Doo Chalet


All Arctic Cat Show

October 2, 2010 turned out to be a great day for the 1st Annual All Vintage Arctic Cat show at Country Cat in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. The air in the morning was brisk with a little white frost on the grass, but the skies were clear and things warmed up nice for Country Cat's Open House.All the judging was done by customer vote. The customers were very happy to take part in the voting and really seem to like the addition of the Vintage Cats. Speaking with Dave Wandershied after the show, he made it clear he wanted to do this again next year. The show will be the first Saturday of October 2011. Thank you, to all that went through the work to display your vintage Arctic Cats!

Overall People's Choice went to Jack Speckel of Watertown, Minnesota for his Montana piped Panther.

The gift certificates in the Trail class went to:

1st place $100.00 gift certificate                  Jack Speckel                                       Montana Piped Panther

2nd place $75.00 gift certificate                    Jack Speckel                                     1966 Arctic Cat

3rd place $50.00 gift certificate                   Clohe Marras                                      1972 Panther & Cutter

The Gift certificates in the Race class went to:

1st place $100.00 gift certificate                  Nancy Ische                                        793 Puma Mod

2nd place $75.00 gift certificate                    Tom Ische                                           1980 Sno Pro

3rd place $50.00 gift certificate                   Barina Ische                                        1976 Sno Pro


Winter Knights 2010


The Winter Knight's Snow Show is the "kick off" for the Snowmobile Season.
Nestled in their own quarters the Vintage Snowmobiles of the Inland Northwest Club
hosted the Annual Vintage Display.






Washington State Snowmobile Expo



The Pacific Northwest Vintage Snowmobile Club is a group of antique and vintage snowmobile enthusiasts from around the northwest. We sponsor shows, vintage rides, and have a website to promote antique and vintage snowmobile collecting http://www.thepnwvsc.com/.

One of our recent shows was at the Washington State Snowmobile Association's Expo and Swap Meet. Our group had a good representation of the many snowmobile manufactures that were common in the day. We had sleds from the still in production Ski-doo, Arctic Cat, and Yamaha, to odd ones Alouette, Evinrude, Skiroule, Harley Davidson, and Sno Jet, to "I did not know they sold snowmobiles" Montgomery Ward, Ski-Lark, Yukon King, Bolens, and Suzuki.

We asked the folks that were looking at our display to submit votes for their top three favorites for a People's Choice Award. We received over 800 votes from over 270. From their efforts two People's Choice show winners were selected. First Place was Troy Bergstresser of Spokane for his really popular and very blue 1970 Sno-Jet, and 2nd Place was Ed Buckner of Camas, Washington's dependable and really clean 1976 Arctic Cat Cheetah.

We also had a best of show award. The voting was performed by the participants from the club. The winners were 1st Place Ray Bergstresser for his original 1974 Skiroule RTW which has a rare Wankle Rotary motor. This sled had only 55 original miles on it! And, 2nd Place went to Stephen Burdick for his nicely restored 1976 Yamaha SRX 340.

But for us the most fun contest was for the free 1982 Yamaha ET340 that the club gave away to a kid between 12-15 years old. The lucky winner was Tye Kangas from Brush Prairie Washington. We understand that he was a very happy young man, he said in a thank you letter that he plans to share his prize with his five younger siblings, and three nieces. Now, if he is like me when I was a kid, sharing one snowmobile with siblings can be challenging!

We are gearing up for winter rides, and races. All of our events will be on our website The Pacific Northwest Vintage Snowmobile Club http://www.thepnwvsc.com/ along with pictures of our the vintage shows we had over the year, planned rides, upcoming events, links to other vintage snowmobile clubs, resources, and classified ads.

Ray Bergstresser

President Pacific Northwest Vintage Snowmobile Club



