Monday, 24 March 2025

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 11th Annual Lonny Custer Memorial Vintage Snowmobile Show

11th Annual Lonny Custer Memorial Vintage Snowmobile Show

Greetings from the Rocky Mountain West! The 11th annual Lonny Custer Memorial Vintage Snowmobile Show and Swap meet was another successful event. Saturday, September 28th was a bit warmer than usual, but perfect for an indoor/outdoor show. This year I’m going to change up the follow up article and acknowledge as many people as possible. The sleds are the main focus, but the people make the event happen! Our future depends on the members, donors and sponsors and we would like to thank each and every individual and business involved.

Thank you Alan Fowles and Fowles Custom Built Cabinets, Rick and Larina Potter with Casper Monument and Rick’s Rocks, Patrick and Lisa Lawien with Casper Window and Door, David and Corie Karst with H&G OCTG Services LLC, Wyoming Automotive Refinish Supply, Hilltop Bank, Murdochs, Sutherlands, Smith RV, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Prazma Paint & Auto Body Inc., Don’s Mobile Carpet, RHI Powersports, Bloedorn Lumber, Wyatt Electric, Texas Roadhouse, Rocky Mountain Discount Sports,  Denny’s Restaurant, The C’mon Inn, Clay and Joyce Busch, Cal Moser, Jim Engnath, Brad Morton, Amanda Custer, Evan Custer, Stacy Custer, Dick Sterns, Jim and Allan Coltrain, Courtney Gashler, Dan and Ellen Lewallen, David Stites, Peter Buell, and Bruce Kamminga.

The preparations have been ongoing for months and we’ve made a few significant changes that we believe were great choices! We now award trophies instead of plaques and we’ve registered as a distributor. Our new partner is a great company with excellent communication, great pricing and prompt service. We have also added a Snowcat class and we were treated to a couple very rare and beautiful examples owned and displayed by David Stites. The Frandee is very scarce and has the even more unique turning assist ski intact and fully functional! David’s second machine on display was a Tucker Sno Cat Kitten. It is an excellent example of one of the smallest Tucker Sno Cats produced. The Kitten will fit in a standard 8’ pickup bed.

The load ins began Friday afternoon with Dan and Ellen Lewallen’s super rare Chaparral racers. These are world class sleds with superb restorations! The red machines are real standouts! Dan and Ellen took home the People’s Choice trophy with one of the racers.

I was treated to a nice surprise when a promoter and new member showed up. Cal Moser from Milbank unloaded a couple of the most interesting and original survivor machines I’ve ever seen in person. His 1961 Polaris K-95-E turned out to be one of the most talked about entries and the general public was pretty enamored with the old Polaris sled and his 1965 Arctic Cat 2-wheeler built with both wheels driven. It has a pretty clever drive system. Next to arrive were Clay & Joyce Busch. Their entries never disappoint. With Clay coming from a history of automotive restoration, every detail counts and you can see it in their project machines! Their 66 Oly Ski-Boose and Ski-Doo Carry Boose are exceptional examples.

Saturday brought a cooler morning, and many very cool entries! David Stites was busy unloading his beautiful Frandee and Tucker Sno Kitten while Jim Engnath and Court Gashler were bringing their entries into the event venue. Jim’s 1964 Ski-Doo Chalet was a very nice example of a very early Ski-Doo and a 1st place winner, but his 2003 James Bond MXZ was the Best of Show trophy winner and crowd favorite. The James Bond sled is 1 of 52 brought into the US, only 1 per dealership.

Brad Morton brought the only Arctic Cat Kitchen Cutter I’m aware of around here, a pretty cool unit. Peter Buell brought his 1985 Honda 350X to enter in the Vintage 3-wheeler class. You better respect those machines as they can be a handful to operate! Court Gashler, an Arctic Cat enthusiast, veteran racer, and guru brought his 1979 AC Cross Country El Tigre and a very interesting 1977 Arctic Cat Z that has quite a history in Wyoming. Court has painstakingly restored both machines to show quality.

Jim Coltrain, a veteran collector and serious brand loyal Yamaha collector, brought several nice sleds. His Yamaha Bravo took a 1st place trophy in the New Vintage class and his Phazer II took the 2nd place position in the same class.

Dick Sterns, a Wyoming veteran antique and vintage snowmobile legend has been chasing and capturing machines for as long as I’ve known him. Dick didn’t disappoint while bringing a trailer full of sleds. His noteworthy sleds included the award winning and rare Bonham Spartan 660, a 1972 Viking Vanquisher sporting a 650 Red Baron Hirth power plant, a 1972 Polaris TX Limited, a 1977 Ski-Doo Blizzard, and a 1976 RV 250. Dick has a wide range of brands and types in his collection.

Of course, it’s always great to have the venue packed with sleds. But the friendships and camaraderie is really where it’s at, in my humble opinion. I’d like to consider all of us involved as one big family of enthusiasts with like interest and concerns for our hobby and each other.

Article and photos submitted by Scott Custer

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2021 8th Annual Deering Show

8th Annual Deering Show

Submitted by Blaine Kotasek.

The 8th Annual Deering, South Dakota Vintage Show was held Sunday March 7, 2021. It was a beautiful March spring like day. This year we broke the century mark with 110 sleds on display. There was a huge amount of people that came to Deering to enjoy the nice day and see the large collections of Sleds on display.

A couple of sleds that caught everyone’s attention was Scott Wittmeyer’s 880 4-cylinder Thunder Jet, which he started up a couple of times for the crowd’s delight. Carter Tenqesdal also brought a Poloron Tornado, which we had never had at the show before.

The show was sponsored by the “Vintage Drift Busters of North Dakota in memory of founder Joel Locthowe. Once again a big you to Carla and Curt Hanson of Big Reds Saloon for hosting the show again!

We hope to see everyone again the next years 9th Annual show. March 6, 2022. For more info contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 701-240-7592.

The class Winners this year are as follow.

69 & Older, Roger Holen, 1969 Arctic Cat Panther

70-75 Unrestored, Carter Tenqesdal, 71 Moto Ski Capri

70-75 Restored, Karry Greme, 1975 Suzuki Fury

76-80 Unrestored, Kameron Grotte, 1980 Yamaha Exciter

76-80 Restored, Lane Haman, 1976 Yamaha Exciter

81 & Newer, Steve Peterson, 93 Arctic Cat EXT 580Z

Race Unrestored, Brian Granclalen, 1975 Mercury Sno Twister

Race Restored, Kelly Bertsch, 74 Polaris PDC 440

Mini Sleds, Scott Wittmeyer, 72 Arctic Cat Kitty Cat.

Big Reds Choice, Stuart Fontaine, 66 Arctic Cat 140D

Peoples Choice, Karry Greene, 1975 Suzuki Fury.


2019 All Cat Show

2019 All Cat Show

2019 Country Cat All Cat Show


For the 10th year in a row Country Cat hosted a “ALL Cat Show” during their large annual open house Saturday November 2, 2019. This is a fun laid back show displaying Vintage sleds from 10 am till 2 pm. You can come early or stay late. All Vintage and Classic Cat sleds are welcome! From show sleds to riders we want to see them all! The only judging at the show is the “People’s Choice awards”. Once again, it is so much fun to watch the 600+ Country Cat costumers walking through the Vintage sled area discussing the sleds they had back in the day and how that old sled played a special part the lives of the family growing up! For this years awards we had two categories a “Race” and “Trail “Division. Voting for the “People’s Choice Awards” was very close again this year. This year high vote getter in the Trail division was a very nicely restored 69 piped Puma. The sled is owned and restored by TJ Braith, showed by Tucker Braith. In the Race division it was the eye grabbing Formula II owned by Ike Jahnke from Detroit Lakes, Mn. Due to the Open House and show being move back one month later this year, all the Show Sleds were displayed inside the new heated addition. This was great as it was a bit below freezing to start out the day! Watch for info coming soon on the 11th Annual “All Cat Show” at Country Cat, Sauk Centre, Mn. For more info contact; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 320-352-3641.

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2017 Great Eastern Whiteout

Record Year at 17th Annual Great Eastern Whiteout    

The 17th annual Great Eastern Whiteout will go down as a record year for both spectators and participators. The weather this year cooperated with warmer tempertures this year then last years sub-freezing weather and wind.competors numbered 240 entries with alouette being the featured sled. Many part venders were present indoors and out making the Whiteout the place to sell trade or pick-up vintage sleds and parts. TNT Graphics always have neat vintage sled signs, clocks ,decals etc. to make your garage more pleasant to work in. Riding was at a premium with plenty of snow on the ball field and the near -by park. Alot of people get to try out their sled for the first time this year. Show organizers this year voted again to give all proceeds to local charities and scholarships in memory of two former snowmobile racing mechanics Everet Regal(The Widowmakers) and Folyd 'Spike" Nolan.This years featured sled was Aloutte and they were well represented with fine examples of the make. 1st place was taken by Eric and Ray Melfi with a rare 1971 Alouette Villian 440 that was painstackingly restored by Eric.2nd place was taken by Mark Davis with a nicely restored 1968 Alouette G T O E . 3rd place was won by Brian Moyer with his orginal 1974 Alouette Super Brute Best of Show was a surprise with a beauitful restored Scorpion Super-Mod owned by Terry Ingersa Glenfield,n.y.and immaculately restored by Wendall Roberts of West Leyden,n.y. This machine was raced in it's day by Brad Haulings and was in rough shape when the restortation started The Mike Saunders Memorial Trophy was won by long time Whiteout supporter Mark Elwell with his nice 1973 yamaha sr 433. Mke Saunders was a long time supporter of the Whiteout and former racer. The 1995 Arctic Cat kitty kat raffle sled was won by a lucky young man from Albany whom was present to take his new sled home with him flame job and all. Great Eastern Whiteout was honered to honor one of the greats. Henery Briscoe was honered for his years of particpating in all the Whiteouts with his immaculate Artic Cat collection and still coming to the event even though he is been fighting cancer. The Great Eastern Whiteout committee would like to thank all the participators and sponsors that help make this the biggest show in the northeast.It also is your partication that helps people less fortunate with all the proceeds going to charity.           

BEST ALOUTTE OWNED BY RAY AND ERIC MELFIBEST OF SHOW WINNER TERRY INGERSAL ON LEFT RESTORER WENDALL ROBERTS SHOW ORGANIZERS TRACY DOYLE AND JIM LATINOBEST OF SHOW WINNING SLED A SCORPION SUPER MODBob Osbornes Moto Ski collection with Bill Monettes CutterBrian Moyers AlouettesDan Smith and Ray Melfi presenting Henry Briscoe with award                                                                                                                                

2016 Milbank Show and Swap

2016 Milbank,

 The Whetstone Valley Snowmobile Club sponsored another great show on June 3-4, 2016. A new addition to this year’s show was a Featured Sleds. The 2016 Featured sleds were any Snowmobiles with metal Flake hoods. They also had a custom class which allowed all brands to show off some metal flake.

Todd Schrupp stated; “When I found out there were 8 campers and trailers at the park Wednesday night I knew that attendance was going to be great.” In fact, they had 46 individuals enter sleds by Saturday morning. That is 11 more than last year! Other than about an hour of rain Friday afternoon those in attendance at the show had good weather although it was breezy.

Once again, Todd was surprised at the number of restored race sleds that were shown. That class had more entries that any of the other classes. 16 total, many with triples. It was Honker city in some areas of the park.

The winner of the People’s Choice Award was Phil Stener with his 1970 SkiDoo Blizzard.

The Best Display Award went to Jessie Babler for his lineup of I-500 race sleds.

Longest Distance Traveled to display a sled went to Randy Martin of South Range WI.

Our 2017 Show will feature sleds with twin headlights in both Original and Restored Classes. And not to leave anyone out will have a Custom Featured class. June 2-3, 2017

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